Refund Policy

Refund Policy 

We are responsible for selling high-quality products to our customers. We make sure that our products meet the expectations of our customers, and we perform high-quality checks to ensure this. However, if you are still not satisfied with your purchase, you can ask for a refund under the certain refund policy which is mentioned below. 

Returns and Refunds

We offer returns within a certain period, typically 15 days from the date of purchasing your order. However, the order returned should be in its original form and condition without having been used previously. Once the goods are returned to our warehouse, we inspect them for quality within the following two days, and if everything is in good condition—the item is unused, the invoice is present, and the tags are still attached—we start the refund process. If the product is discovered to have been installed by the client, no refund will be initiated. We are not liable if the product is damaged at the time of installation. Refunds may take up to 10 business days to process.

The payment will be refunded to the same cardholder's credit card that was initially used to make the purchase. Please be aware that as the cardholder's issuing bank is in charge of managing their credit card account, we will not be held liable for any delays in credit. In the case of nationalised banks, a delay in the refund's appearance in the account is to be expected.

Shipping costs

We are not liable for refunding shipping costs unless the product is defective or the return is due to an error on the part of the website.

Custom products

If the wallpaper is a custom order, the website may not accept returns or issue refunds unless the product is defective.

It's important to note that it's always a good idea to carefully review a refund policy before making a purchase.